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Post Operative Period in Scoliosis

The surgery is over, you survived the hospital process and you are now discharged. The 6-month post-operative period is your recovery period. It will be aimed that you will get through this period without any problems by making regular checks.

Medicines and Corset Use

When you are discharged, you will be prescribed the medications you need, the exercises and prohibitions will be taught. The use of corsets differs in various ecoles. We do not recommend routine use of corsets after surgery. However, we recommend the use of protective corsets for patients who have to be in crowded environments (eg going to school) during the first 6 weeks. The aim here is not an improvement like the therapeutic corsets that provide correction of the curvature, but only the preservation of the surgery performed. Rarely, it may be necessary to use corrective corsets to ensure adequate adaptation, especially in cases where the lumbar spine is not included in the surgery to maintain movement. This condition will already be shared with you while the surgery plan is being made.

Healing and Bone Fusion Process

The aim of scoliosis surgeries is to freeze (fusion) the vertebrae causing the curvature and thus to obtain a balanced, correct spine. This fusion process takes about 6 months. However, the first signs appear in the 6th week after the operation. Therefore, the most important period after discharge is the first 6 weeks. In this first 6-week period, the patient is asked to avoid sudden movements, to lie and get up on the bed from his/her side, not to carry heavy things, and not to go to places where there is a possibility of falling.

Skolyoz Ameliyatından Sonra İyileşme Süreci

In our practice, we want the first 3 weeks after surgery to be spent at home. Afterwards, it is possible to go outside and take short walks. Already, at the end of the 6th week, you need to go to your doctor for a check-up. In this control, how the surgical wound heals is examined, spine movements are observed, x-rays are taken and the final state of the process is checked.

Surgical Wound and Dressing

Postoperative wound care does not require special interventions. In scoliosis surgeries, our preference is to close the wound without stitches, so there is very little scarring and no stitch removals are required afterwards. The scar will appear as a faint line on the patient’s back in the 1st year after surgery.

Wound dressing should be done two or three times after discharge.

The aim is to observe the wound and detect possible redness, discharge or skin problems early rather than cleaning the wound. Since the patient is not preferred to leave the house for dressing in this process, a surgical nurse from our team will perform the dressing at your home and inform the physician about your condition. When the final dressing is done and the wound is left open, the patient can take a bath.

During this period, the creams to be used to reduce the scar will be prescribed to you by your doctor.


Postoperative routine check-ups will be done at 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months. In all controls, a scoliosis radiograph will be taken, the result of the surgery and bone-union will be evaluated, and you will be informed about your condition.

For a period of 6 months after discharge, regardless of any problems, you can consult the doctor without hesitation, get information, and make a control appointment if necessary.

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