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Neuromuscular Scoliosis

Neuromuscular scoliosis is a disease that develops due to diseases in the brain, spinal cord or muscle system and progresses with its own characteristics.

The muscles and nerves are too weak to maintain proper position or balance of the spine or trunk.

In addition, scoliosis is often accompanied by tilting of the pelvis to one side (pelvic crookedness). In other words, the curvature of the spine also includes the pelvis.

Hunchback (kyphosis) often accompanies scoliosis.

Curvatures in neuromuscular scoliosis tend to progress more than in scoliosis of unknown cause(idiopathic). It may even continue to progress into adulthood.

In patients who cannot walk, trunk imbalance and the size of the curvatures progress much more seriously.

Patients with neuromuscular scoliosis are usually painless.

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Balance disorder and problems in head-neck-body coordination are much more obvious.

Progression of the curve can lead to thoracic insufficiency syndrome, which is characterized by a decrease in respiratory capacity.

Sitting problems and hygienic difficulties are also common.

Neuromuscular scoliosis may be accompanied by problems in other organ systems. Lung capacity decreases, respiratory distress and lung infections are common. Heart rhythm problems or failure due to muscle disease can be seen.

In addition, problems related to the skeletal system such as hip dislocation and hand-foot anomalies may also occur.

The main treatment for neuromuscular scoliosis is surgery.

Delay of the surgery can be tried with methods such as physiotherapy and night corset.

Growth-friendly surgeries can be performed in suitable children. And bone freezing(fusion) operations are preferred in patients who have completed their bone development.

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